Friday, 6 December 2013

Adding more too it.

Hello everyone,

Soo today we're going to to be adding more to our post production trailer, this is basically going to include the 2d effects that you wouldnt particularly realise was there, being titles, borders, headers, splash screens, things like that. most of the work that goes into this is done within adobe photoshop since it's classed as 2d design but i'll go through it anyway.

But first we'll need to do some final touchest to the videos in our sequence since theres always a small problem with them whenever you import a video into adobe premiere, in that the videos are never the correct size.

 this is solved by selecting a video and in the effect controls tab go to "scale", uncheck the Uniform scale box since that keeps the videos square and by default videos nowdays are at rectangular resolutions and then just scaling the height and width untill the boundries of the video matches that of the preview screen.

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