Friday, 29 November 2013

Creating titles

Creating the titles for the intial edit of my film trailer, theese are a rough and ready just added in so that I can get an idea of how much overall time my trailer will run in total, I thought it would be a good idea to add in how I make theese while I am at it..

To start off you need to select the new still title from the top of adobe premeire this will create a still image which can be made into titles, sub-titles etc, where rolls and crawls are general used for credits.

once you have selected the default still title a dialogue box opens giving you a wide range of options for your text, heres a quick explanation of what all theese things are.

To start off with all yor basic tools are on the left hand side of the box, this covers things like selecting, cropping, resiszing, aligning the text to one side, creating shapes etc, undernethe the centre screen are a wide arange of preset styles your title could be used as, for now i'm just choosing the default one since its only to give me an idea of how long this trailer will run for,

on the right hand side are all the diffrent font options for the titles, size of the font, shape of it, colours, shadows, the useual amount of things you would get within any text editor,

the key part of this box however is the centre screen, it is from here you can see where your title will be placed within the video and adjust it so that it appears where you want it to be placed, of course you can also adjust its posistion later but its common pratice to get the posistion right the first time.

 this image shows the title box with the title displaying where it will be located within the video clip.

once you have finished editing the title you can simply close the box and and the title will appear within the video libary ready to be placed within the sequence

Initial Edit

To start off creating this trailer I already had an idea in my head what i wanted to do for it, I wanted it to be more thought provoking than action packed, I wanted to portray the idea that people within leicester simply did not know or understand why "The Ship" had taken residence above their city,

My plan of action for creating this video is to first, start off with the raw video footage and bring it into the video editor "Adobe Premier pro", as you can see i've done here.

After doing this I will put together an "initial edit" where I will remove all the bits from the orriginal footage that I do not want to have within my film trailer leaving me with just a select few videos as well as an oppertunity to add in more of the orriginal footage if I wished leaving me with this.

As you can see I have 1:10 mins of raw footage to use on my trailer and have chosen select parts of the orriginal footage which I liked, as well as named the videos accordingly so I would be able to remember which ones they are just by sight, my next goal for this trailer is to add in titles in between the clips to transistion between them and make a story out of it.